Postgraduate Studies: Software Testing

General information

Postgraduate studies "Software Testing" were created as a result of close cooperation between the Institute of Computer Science and Computer Mathematics of Jagiellonian University with a group of experienced practitioners dealing with quality management in software projects as well as recruitment and education of software testers, analysts and test managers. The studies are addressed to:

  • testers, quality engineers and other persons responsible for assurance and control of quality in software projects,
  • other employees of IT companies
  • anyone considering choosing a new career path related to professional software quality assurance.


The studies are addressed to both people with science / technical education and people with a different education profile as well. The level of advancement of the presented topics will be adjusted to the level of the participants' advancement.

Students will learn the techniques and tools used in manual and automated tests, their use for testing desktop, web, and mobile applications, learn how to document the effects of their work and how to manage the test process. Classes are conducted by experienced specialists and for the most part are based on practical exercises.

The teaching staff consists mostly of practitioners from IT companies with many years of professional experience in the field of software testing and quality assurance. Exercises and laboratories take the form of practical classes in computer labs.

Duration and cost of studies

Studia podyplomowe "Testowanie oprogramowania" trwają dwa semestry i są płatne, a limit przyjęć wynosi 30 osób. Koszt całych studiów (2 semestry) wynosi 6000 PLN.

Dla chętnych słuchaczy istnieje możliwość przystąpienia do egzaminu certyfikacyjnego ISTQB Certyfikowany Tester - Poziom Podstawowy ze zniżką, ze względu na umowę ze Stowarzyszeniem Jakości Systemów Informatycznych. Cena egzaminu: 640 PLN (cena rynkowa: 800 PLN).

Postgraduate studies "Software Testing" last two semesters and are paid. The admission limit is 30 people. The cost of the entire studies (2 semesters) is PLN 6,000.

For willing students, it is possible to take the ISTQB Certified Tester - Basic Level certification exam at a discount, due to the agreement with the Information Systems Quality Association. Exam price: 640 PLN (market price: 800 PLN).

Profile of the graduate

Absolwent ma wiedzę w zakresie podstaw testowania i zapewniania jakości oprogramowania. Zna i rozumie potrzebę wdrożenia procesu testowego w firmie. Ma wiedzę w zakresie technik projektowania testów oraz zarządzania procesem testowym. Zna i rozumie potrzebę (sensownego) dokumentowania procesu testowego. Ma wiedzę w zakresie automatyzacji testów.

Absolwent potrafi projektować, implementować i wykonywać efektywne przypadki testowe. Jest w stanie profesjonalnie analizować wymagania funkcjonalne i niefunkcjonalne pod kątem defektów. Potrafi opracować plan testów dostosowany zarówno do projektu testowego jak i procesu wytwarzania oprogramowania. Potrafi ocenić opłacalność automatyzacji testów w organizacji. Umie zautomatyzować testy nadające się do automatyzacji. Potrafi zaplanować, przygotować i skonfigurować środowisko testowe, przeprowadzać nadzór i kontrolę nad przebiegiem procesu testowego oraz zarządzać zespołem testerów w organizacji. Potrafi efektywnie komunikować się ze wszystkimi interesariuszami w projekcie.


The graduate has knowledge of the basics of software testing and quality assurance. Knows and understands the need to implement a test process in the company. He has knowledge of test design techniques and test process management. Knows and understands the need for (sensible) documentation of the test process. He has expertise in test automation.

The graduate is able to design, implement and execute effective test cases. He is able to professionally analyze functional and non-functional requirements with defects in mind. Can develop a test plan tailored to both the test project and the software development process. Can assess the profitability of test automation in the organization.  Is able to automate tests suitable for automation. Can plan, prepare and configure the test environment, supervise and control the course of the test process and manage the team of testers in the organization. He is able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders in the project.

Recruitment rules

Recruitment for the academic year 2020/2021:

Recruitment of candidates takes place through the Internet Recruitment System.

Study framework

Winter semester:

Basic software testing techniques and tools

20h seminar + 20h laboratory

8 ECTS credits

Curriculum content: The profession of software tester and possible career paths. The place and role of testing, the test life cycle, good practices. Functional and non-functional requirements. Requirements testing. Create cases, scenarios, and test procedures. Black and white box test design techniques. Reporting test results; life cycle of the defect.  Environment and test data. Exploratory testing. Testing and agile methodologies. Non-functional testing.

Basics of programming on the Internet

20h laboratory

7 ECTS credits

Program content: TCP/IP basics. Database communication, Active Record and Data Access Object design patterns. Basics of http. JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3. DOM model. XML, webservices. AJAX and JSON. Sniffers and previewing of transmitted packets.

Database systems

20h laboratory

8 ECTS credits

Program content: The role and importance of databases; database architecture. Relational data model. SQL language. Processing and optimization of SQL queries. Backup and restore strategies. Transaction logs.

Selected elements of operating systems

20h laboratory

7 ECTS credits

Program content: File operations, tools (grep, awk, etc.). Writing scripts in the system shell (Linux, Windows). Reading and monitoring system parameters (e.g. consumption of resources: memory, disks, processor); resource management. Virtualization, VMWare.

Summer semester:

Software testing automation techniques and tools

20h seminar + 20h laboratory

14 ECTS credits

Curriculum content: Introduction to automation. Selenium IDE + Webdriver. Page Object Pattern, Selenium Grid. Data Driven Testing, JBehave, JMeter.  soapUI.

Manage and document the testing process

20h seminar + 10h laboratory

2 ECTS credits

Program content: Planning and estimating testing. Supervision and control of the test process. Metrics and reporting. Improving the test process. Managing a team of testers.  Soft skills in the work of a tester. Testing in the context of quality assurance. Reviews, inspections and audits.

A practical introduction to programming

30h laboratory

14 ECTS credits

Program content: The curriculum will be adjusted to the skills and needs of the participants of the studies. It will cover the following topics: Introduction to programming. Paradigms (including structured and object-oriented programming). Programming in scripting languages. Programming in high-level languages ​​(e.g. Java).

The portal is the substantive and media patron of the studies.

Published Date: 01.05.2015
Published by: Krzysztof Bartosz